Phone: (203) 921-1782

1200 summer street, suite 202
stamford, connecticut 06905


Do you have Spousal Support Issues?

The question of spousal support eligibility in a divorce or separation is not answerable through strict legal guidelines as is the case with child support. Every marriage is different, every individual is different and every divorce is different, bringing sometimes vastly different results from one case to the next. It is important to work with trained, experienced lawyers in the spousal support proceedings in your divorce.

At The Crosland Law Group, LLC, our attorneys are prepared to seek the solutions that you are looking for. If you need to request spousal support or limit your spousal support payments, we are here to help you.

Do you have Spousal Support issues? Contact us today.

Learn how to petition to modify and enforce orders for spousal support. Working out Spousal support issues can be extraordinarily stressful. We are here to make the entire process easier for you. We will walk you through every stage of the process and help you get the best results possible.

For a confidential consultation about Spousal Support Issues, contact The Crosland Law Group, LLC at
(203) 921-1782.

Temporary Spousal Support

The Court’s determination of temporary spousal support is similar to child support in that it starts with guidelines. These guidelines can be generous, and there is room for adjustments for special circumstances.

Permanent Spousal Support

In determining permanent spousal support, the Court will consider factors like:

The length of the marriage Respective incomes
Division of assets Standard of living

In general, the Court looks at these factors to maintain, as closely as possible, the same standard of living for each spouse that the couple enjoyed before the divorce. Attorneys from our firm can help protect your interests in permanent spousal support negotiations or litigation, helping you through all of the complicated considerations involved.

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